
Revenue: Private Sources
Foundations/Corporations $3,935,539
Earned Income/Fee for Service $1,121,303
Individuals/Bequests $1,465,441
Other Revenue $53,117
Investment Income -$436,730
Special Events (Net) $602,787
Total Private Sources $6,741,457
Revenue: Public Sources
Ryan White Pt A $5,558,574
Ryan White Pt B $7,509,924
SAMHSA $468,688
HRSA $504,545
CDC $216,569
NIH Mental Health Research Grants $175,131
HOPWA $8,107,162
HUD Continuum of Care $5,016,714
Public Non-Federal $868,901
Miscellaneous $22,739
Total Public Sources $28,448,947
Total Revenue $35,190,404
Program and Policy $7,810,768
General and Administrative $2,206,181
Development $1,203,941
Direct Client Support - Direct Payment $1,351,772
Subcontractor Expenses $11,885,626
Subcontractor Expenses - Pass Through Direct Client Support $8,882,800
Grant and Awards: Private $878,749
Total Expenses $34,219,837
Change in Net Assets
Cash Flow for Subcontractors -$627,596
Temporarily Restricted Assets - Decrease $1,598,163
Total Change in Net Assets $970,567

See AFC's audits and IRS form 990s here.